Monday, September 23, 2013

They Are Moving Full Steam Ahead

 As I was cruising the internet, I went onto Gary DeMar's (a Reconstructionist) website and listened to an hour long boring video titled "Sheriffs joining to resist federal tyranny". Wow, I thought how handy is that! However, I found myself applauding these sheriffs taking a stand against our governments crazy moves lately, but  have they fallen into the bowl of the Reconstructionist soup?! As I scanned the other videos online county after county, state after state the sheriffs all spoke their script like a mantra "WE have sworn an oath to the constitution" and from there it seemed most scripted like these guys are trained ready to go! Many admitted they were involved in the tea party and were going to stand against the government. Yes, our government has gotten out of hand, and part of me salutes them, but I fear the Reconstructionist are walking them down a yellow brick road. They have waited so long for this window of opportunity.
 Michael Badnarik's "Rattling sheriffs cage about the Constitution"on youtube seems to be one of the movers and shakers to rally the Sherriffs into this movement. As I listened to him I was most disturbed because it seems like they want a whole new set of rules. Although, Badnarik was not clear, but I bet my bottom dollar he is right up there with the Gary Demar/Rushdooney agenda. Well we have been lambasted with such movies such as the "Agenda: Grinding America Down" and many other films about the U.S. history of our "Christian Nation" our constitution and taking a stand! "Agenda: Grinding America Down" is promoted by top Reconstructionist and COR signers such as Calvin Beisner, Phyllis Schlafly, Howard Phillips, and of course Brannon House (says he is not a reconstructionist anymore although, he bashes just about any research ministry ran by women and discernment group, gee wonder why! Seems to be getting popular to bash research groups lately another subject for later)! Just to name a few. Please see my articles on Coalition on Revival and the Reconstructionist (on the blog). If  at this point you are saying, well its about time, and good thing someone is taking a stand! I say yes this is true, to a certain point until they implement their form of government. Most would say "oh that will never happen"! Five years ago who would have believed gay marriage or uniform bathrooms for both sexes would happen. Yes, the country is so out of control many will leap towards what looks like a moral agenda and freedom again. The other day I was over hearing two men talk and saying "what is wrong with stoning they do it in other countries"! Who would they stone under a theocracy: Juvenile delinquents? adulterers? witches? pagans? sodomites? If you search the old testament in Leviticus it is clear. So, who are the pagans according to the Reconstructionist,well they believe the Rapture is a pagan belief, and if you teach that then you are considered a pagan!  That's right, all these prophecy teachers could not teach their "pagan" beliefs under the new laws. They do not want government rule they want the church  rule  "their church" by definition. I am sad to admit many good well intentioned pastors fall into the hands of the Domionist without knowing. Men come into the church offering much needed services, and influence the congregation to vote their political mandates and candidates for the Dominion agenda. Some of these men may be unaware of the candidates themselves they are just political and fall short themselves. We need to be careful that we are not being used to spread this virus of the Dominion mandate. If you are a sheriff, or know someone that is please get them the information on the Dominion/Reconstructionist, so that they do not fall prey to that. They can stand up for what is right just do it with honor and not for the purpose of over throwing our constitution for a new version. We need to uphold what we have and turn to prayer as our weapon of choice. We are not Jesus on the earth and we cannot change the world. Jesus Christ will do that when he returns.

 - Lantte Roessler

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