Thursday, August 30, 2012

Greg Laurie's Harvest America: Royal Route To Heaven, Rick Warren & The Message

A great article by "SAID Radio":

  As saddening as it may come to some, we are strongly encouraging our audience of readers to not partake or invite your friends to Greg Laurie's "Harvest America". I have no problem acknowledging that I've heard him preach an unwatered Gospel message (dealing with sin, repentance, Christ crucified buried and rising again and His return.). This might have many of you wondering then: Why discourage the participation? What may come as a surprise to some readers is the fact that Greg Laurie is planning on speaking at a conference with these guys:

From left to right (Row 1): Rick Warren, Greg Laurie, Lecrae, Nick Vujicic
                    (Row 2) Miles McPherson, James Macdonald, Craig Groeschel and Mark Driscoll

  A man like Greg Laurie who is well known (Harvest America boasts it will reach 5 million people)  is encouraging many people to tune in to hear the Gospel for "Harvest America" and will then in a month and a half  introduce some possible new believers and many of his already followers to the likes of these men to help them with spiritual growth:

Rick Warren: For extensive information on our concerns with Rick Warren please visit these sites:

Lecrae - Many Christians enjoy his Christian rap but unfortunately he has found himself taking part in some very dangerous practices :

Miles McPherson

James Macdonald -

Craig Groeschel -

Mark Driscoll -

I don't know about you but anybody who seriously reads through any of these links will see the errors of these individuals. I strongly encourage you to pray for them and those they are leading that they will repent and not lead these people astray. Pray that Greg Laurie will turn from these things. As of this point and time I cannot encourage people- no matter saved or unsaved- to take part in an event with someone willing to compromise and lead God's precious sheep to a pack of wolves.

Here are a few other concerns I had about Greg Laurie's mens study group:

Found in the Harvest Men's study "The Royal Route to Heaven"
in "Studies in 1 Corinthians and Ephesians
Ephesians 2"

There is a quote and a recommendation for Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" found on this PDF, here's the recommendation:
Step 4: For Further Study: If you found this study truly engaging or convicting and want to
read further on the issues covered in the reading a suggested book is: The Purpose Driven
Life by Rick Warren Zondervan Publishers Grand Rapids, Michigan 2002

As with every single one of these studies found on the Harvest website, they list "The Message" as being a "thought-for-thought" translation.

There are a number of errors found within the pages of "The Message" with heavy new age overtones and yet so many seminaries present it as a legitimate "thought for thought" translation. This is what Eugene Peterson said about "The Message" from a Christianity Today quote from October 10, 2009
 "When I'm in a congregation where somebody uses [The Message] in the Scripture reading, it makes me a little uneasy. I would never recommend it be used as saying, "Hear the Word of God from The Message." But it surprises me how many do."

I've heard Greg Laurie quote from "The Message" even though I personally heard him only state that he was reading from a "modern translation". This is still very dangerous, understand the issues with "The Message":

We will chime in on the concerns with the Resurgence on a podcast prior to the event. Once again I strongly encourage you the reader to please be discerning and consider the side-effects / dangers of encouraging people to take part in "Harvest America" unfortunately in light of where Greg Laurie is headed.

It's very important that you clearly understand that the inclusion of any guest interviewd on SAID radio or any link from anywhere within or web site does not necessarily imply our endorsement of that ministry, resource, or organization featured regarding anything that it does or teaches. The only endorsement that is worthwhile is that which is in alignment with biblical truth. It's our position that we can agree or disagree with you, you can agree or disagree with us, but only so far as it agrees or disagrees with God's Word.
Whilst recognizing the good fruit from linked sites or special guests, we cannot vouch for their every belief. As with all things in this world, the onus is upon you to check out each site and to exercise spiritual discretion, testing everything (even us) against the Word of God (1 Thes. 5:21)

- Michael-Anthony Rene Chavez

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