Monday, September 3, 2012

The Domionist/Latter Rain Connection

 I want to start off saying that we did not mention anything concerning the charismatic kingdom now/Latter rain movement. This movement clothes itself in Dominion theology they believe that the kingdom began in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the Nation  Israel.  These Dominionist  kingdom now/latter rain believe "God"  speaks new revelations to them through dreams, visions and extra so called biblical revelations; However, their visions on how to conquer this nation changes often with each new revelation. Their doctrine is more self based than Bible based. It really is determined by the latest pop leader people are following within the charismatic or apostolic realm. A common theme within these groups is the word "New". God is doing a "new thing," "New Breed", a "New reformation", a "new Change" is coming. In other words the Bible is not adhered to but the visions and dreams, along with someone hearing a voices from God through what they call the "Holy Spirit anointing"
 The MFI or Ministers Fellowship International is an important player of the Latter rain/domionist movement. The MIF came out of Portland Bible College in Oregon. I use to live in Portland and we had a very difficult time avoiding the latter rain churches.  Dick Iverson a TBN ( Trinity Broadcasting Network) darling for many years wrote "Present Day Truths" a book that was actually created by the Bible College used as a sort of text Book for the movement.However, between  1947 and 1957 huge revivals took place many of them led by pentecostal leader Oral Roberts founder of Oral Roberts University. Roberts was another TBN favorite this revival was centered on Healing and the Manifestation of  what they called the "Holy Spirit". During this time Roberts put great emphasis on healing . It is said by many that Oral Roberts brought the pentecostal movement into acceptable mainstream Christianity. This opened the floodgates for many false teachers to rise up claiming they hear from God, and have the power to do the works of Jesus even raising the dead. Many of these apostate leaders have now began to set dates for the end of the world.  Back in the 80's on National television Oral Roberts asked for $8 million or God would kill him. He did pass away in 2009. I have only scratched the surface of this heresy so please visit the other web site such as herescope for more information on this subject. Type in Latter rain on their search site.

- Lanette Roessler

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