Monday, November 12, 2012

A Brief Definition of Reconstructionism

 In John 18:36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place. The Reconstructionist is guilty of allegorizing scripture; this is when you take a literal meaning or a simple meaning of scripture and transform it into a fable. They also do this with the book of Revelation. The history of this teaching is best described in a book titled “Road to Holocaust” by Hal Lindsey:
“By the time Augustine (A.D.354-425), the famous Bishop of Hippo, Origen’s system of interpretation dominated the Christian scene. (sic) But it was Augustine who systematized the allegorically based teachings into a cohesive theology that would dominate the Church for over a thousand year's.(sic) Even the Reformers continued to hold most of his views, including his allegorically based, unrefined eschatology. The Roman Catholic Church, using Origen’s system of interpretation and Augustine’s theology, soon applied and instituted the teaching that they were the inheritors of Israel’s promised to Israel and therefore must take ultimate authority over the political powers of this world. At one point during the Middle ages, the Church held authority over virtually all the Middle Ages, the Church held authority over virtually all the rulers of Europe. History witnesses that this was one of the most oppressive periods of Christianity, both toward Christians and those outside the Church.” pp 9-10

Friday, November 9, 2012


                        In August of 1990, a two week seminar was held called, "The Greening of the Church." This
was an opportunity for Christian denominations of all faiths, protestant and catholic, to join in
on exploring the urgent needs facing the environment and the church. The stated purpose of
course was to explore long standing Christian theology and the "environmental"
responsibilities the church needs to continue living on Planet earth. This conference held
workshops discussing the following:
“The fundamental theological and spiritual issues facing an ecologically sensitive
“The ways on which historic Christian theology may have fostered or condoned
attitudes and values directly contributing to our destruction of the natural world;
(One is left wondering if Christian doctrine is not changed to the new improved version" will
Christians of the old time Gospel be persecuted for ruining their planet?)
"The 'new story' of Gaia or the living earth, its functional cosmology and implications
for Christian theology;
"The emerging creation-centered spirituality and theology...
"The development of interfaith action to foster environmental responsibility...
(Another ecumenical tie.)
"Tools and study resources for individual and church community..."
The second week of this conference was listed as "creating strategies for the greening of the
church." This seminar was sponsored and held at the New Age learning center of Chinook
Core Faculty at Whidbey Island Washington. Matthew Fox, lecturer and author of "The
Coming of the Cosmic Christ" and Fr. Thomas Berry were some of the featured speakers.
Chinook embraces the more hard core New Age types such as David Spangler, and Fritz Hull,
a board member of Chinook.
Still on the surface, most Christians could say this is extreme and most Christians would see
through New Age doctrine. Is it possible that a new theology is being laid at this level and has
already been leaked into the church, with Christian terminology and theology attached? In
Matthew Fox's book "The Coming of the Cosmic Christ", page 228 states "Deep ecumenism is
the movement that will unleash the wisdom of all world religions... The unleashing of wisdom
holds the last hope for the survival of the planet we call home..." On page 7 it offers, "The
coming together of the historical Jesus and the Cosmic Christ will make Christianity whole at
Already there are well funded public interest groups that are publishing their
environmentalists theology, which they termed "ecotheology." This is a fine blend of
Christianity and mysticism. One group is "The North American Coalition on Religion and
Ecology" located in Washington D.C. In their Spring 1995 ECO Letter, they advertise "Ethics
in an Age of Technology," by Ian Barbour's, a set of lectures titled the Gilford Lectures. In the
past these same lectures were delivered by Carl Jung and Reinhold Neibuhr. These were
delivered in Scotland 1990-1991 with the purpose to relate the worlds religion, philosophy and
science. Any Christian who knows Carl Jung's philosophy, which is pure paganism, should
question any conclusion that the environmentalists are making and the scientific data collected
from such sources should be suspect.
NACRE/CORE are collaborating these efforts across the country which they call PEW
GLOBAL Stewardship. This is a pilot project for congregations. One of the other projects is
called Earth Stewardship program for ministers and educators. NACRE has a list of books and
resources you can choose from.
1. Christianity and Ecology
2. Judaism and Ecology
3. Islam and Ecology
4. Hinduism and Ecology
5. Buddhism and Ecology
The environmental concerns and the theology behind it is entering the church under the guise
of "Earth Stewardship".
In the Coalition on Revival Dominionist magazine titled "Crosswinds", Vol. I, No.2, 1992, E.
Calvin Beisner, a member of COR's steering committee as of 1992, writes an eight page
article titled “Environmentalism or Stewardship?"
In it he states,
“Environmentalists want to reduce human population and preserve nature untouched
by human hands. It ignores the effects of God's curse on the earth and man's call, as
God's steward to reverse those effects..."
"So it is with man's stewardship of the earth God calls us to restore it from the curse,
to multiply its resources…"
We are to transform the earth into a garden not an inner city slum. I am predicting
great material wealth for the vast majority of mankind everywhere..."
If we redistribute land to everyone, redistribute wealth, take dominion over the planet, return
the world to the garden of Eden, then why believe in the Rapture, or Christ's return? In fact
this would also mean Satan has his lost power. In fact we are now Co-Creators with Christ!
From what I can tell from the article, it implies we are to then redistribute property out of
government control into private sectors and individuals to hold private property rights, so they
can enforce their Mosaic laws.
Beisner insists the term environment comes from the French word meaning to turn around and
is not limited to nature, but to business', houses, cars, health care, etc.
That is fine for the French! The question is it Biblical? The Reconstructionists and
Dominionists can disagree with the Environmentalist Humanist agenda, but the New Agers are
not Humanist. They are very spiritual and have a dominion mandate as well. The humanist
agenda argument is a straw dog that has been set up by the Dominionist to create the
appearance of separation between themselves and the new age movement as a whole.
Dennis Peacock, a Coalition on Revival member, has clearly stated this in his July 1988, Vol.l,
No.1 newsletter called EQUITY,
"Coalition building has become an integral tool of Public Policy influence to an
increasingly threatened Christian minority in America. Better known as a tactic of 'So-
Called' leftists, it might seem strange that evangelical Christians would resort to a
practice that seems so associated with those who apparently oppose biblical
“'Coalition' is most often understood as the ability of a number of diverse interest
groups, often with very little common interest, to unite around a specific objective,
even if under other circumstances they might be at enmity with one another..."
Amos 3:3 "can two walk together except they agree. "
Peacock continues:
“An inherent danger of coalition-building is to see it as an end in itself. It is an
important but limited tool which allows Christians and God-fearers of very diverse
traditions to fellowship in the trenches of this spiritual war. The irony of having gone
through real warfare together is that you may have more in common with these fellow
warriors than with members of your own tradition."
Alvin Toller's book "Power Shift, has a whole section on Eco-theocracy:
“Across the world, meanwhile a green tide is gathering momentum too. This movement for
ecological sanity is essential - a positive example of ordinary people around the world leading
their leaders... This group reduces the history of our relations with nature to biblical
allegory...Now we must transit to a new 'paradise' of perfect sustainability and harmony. If not
we face armageddon."
Rudolf Bahro, an influential Green theorist now living in West Germany, explicitly holds that
what is needed is "theology, not ecology - the birth of a new Golden Age which cultivates...the
nobility of man." He reaches back into the 13th century to quote Meister Eckhart, the founder
of German mysticism.
The fact remains what is needed is a return to the simple Gospel and Love and respect for
Jesus Christ. We are waiting for the Lord to transform us. He will again make all things new.
We will never accomplish what only he can and will do. He does not need our help. He
created this world without us. He will transform it and make it again the same way without the
co-creators doctrinal manuals.

- Lanette Irwin 
This article was taken from Discerning Ministries Newsletter Volume 6, Number 4 July/August 1995